Short and Sweet

Created by Donna 15 years ago
My son Ethan was born a week earlier than a planned inducement, He was born at 4.55am on the 11/10/08 at St Marys hospital manchester, weighing 4lb 10oz. This in it's self was a big acheivment as I was told I was at high risk of losing him or him being still born. This was because at my twenty week anomoly scan they found a fault with his heart. It was later dicovered that Ethan had big problems he was diagnoised with Tricspid Atresia with multiple VSD's and ASD's at about 22 weeks. I decided that I would let the pregnancy run it's natural coarse. When Ethan was born he cried just for a second and then gave up the special care team worked franticly to bring him back then they took him straight to special care and it was a long six hours before i could see him, but it was worth the wait, he was perfect. Within 24 hours he was off the ventilator and moved to our local childrens hospital to be in the care of the cardiac team.
